03 Dec Applying For Spousal Benefits
Social Security has provided the ability for spouses to gain the necessary extra help through the implementation of Social Security Spousal Benefits. These benefits are available for those who are or were former spouses of said spouse. You can actually be eligible for spousal benefits when your spouse files for their retirement benefits. Spousal benefits are another social security “secret” most people do not know about and are not taking advantage of. These benefits are also available for those both married and divorced
Both spouses must also be at least 62 years of age. That being said, you do have to still be single and can not be remarried to receive such benefits if you have been separated. If your ex spouse has happened to remarry, do not worry you can still be eligible. If eligible, you will then be receiving a monthly benefit that is given based on the record of your ex spouse.
For eligibility, 10 years is the minimum for the marriage to have lasted to qualify. Having a child that meets the criteria can also qualify you as well. You can however receive either your payment or your spouse’s payment from Social Security. The SSA will not allow you to receive both combined. Only one is allowed.
For those who lose their spouse, survivor benefits are available. The age in which you can file for this benefit the earliest is 60 years old. This benefit is also available for those who have been divorced and their ex-spouse has passed away.
An important note to keep in mind is how your benefits can be affected significantly if you have not yet reached your FRA and decided to collect these benefits. This is significant because it can be permanent. This can be avoided however if you have a child that meets the requirements.
The full retirement age is 67 for those born in the year 1960 or later and for those born prior to 1960, their FRA is between 66 years old and 66 years and some months, depending on their actual birth date it can vary. You can also use a Full Retirement Age calculator to find your FRA if you wish to. These can be found online and are very simple to use.
We urge you to seek the proper help and attempt to see if you are eligible for such a helpful type of benefit. Nearing your elderly years and approaching retirement can be a stressful time period, so help set your retirement years up properly and see if you’re eligible for any extra benefits through Social Security.