13 May Health Benefits -VA
Nowadays, so many people are reliant on Medicare while some others can’t even pay some of their health care costs. Some of the advantages that are provided with VA health care compared to Medicare are very significant and VA health care can help fund those health care costs that Medicare can not, as long as you are eligible. For payments that come with VA health care, they will typically be lower than Medicare and can save you money. You might be asking, “Well how do I even apply for VA benefits?”. To apply, you must submit your application through the Veterans Affairs. Once you’ve done so they will let you know exactly if and what you would be eligible for.
The VA splits applicants up into 8 different stages of eligibility. The lowest stage would be for the veterans who suffer from service-connected disabilities and would need the medical benefits more than others. The highest stage would be for those veterans without either a severe service-connected disability or just low income. That said, you will be placed somewhere within these 8 stages and that will help determine the medical benefits you can receive depending on your situation and condition.
Benefit Programs Available
One thing to keep in mind is that it is possible to receive both VA and Medicare benefits. Depending on your condition, you can receive both benefits but you can not have both paying for the same treatment simultaneously. Taking a look at what each benefit system offers you and can cover is the best way to go about this. Compare your options and if you are eligible, use both programs to help cover as many treatments and bills you can. There’s no reason not to use both VA health benefits and Medicare
One of the first benefits available to children of veterans who served and passed, as well as their spouses are VA Death Pensions. As a child of the veteran, you will be eligible if you’re not married as a minor child as well as becoming disabled before the age of 18. For spouses to be eligible they only must not be remarried, age plays no factor in this.
There are two benefit programs that you may be eligible for that will significantly help you if you are a veteran with a severe condition. Two programs are the “Aid and Attendance” and “Homebound Benefits” and. The first program is a plan that pays to veterans who are in need of assistance to perform daily tasks and activities and are at the age of 65 or older.
The second benefit program that was listed is the Homebound benefits program. This program helps veterans who obtain a 100% disability rating and can not leave their home. Depending on your scenario of your disability and your income level, there is a priority level set into place and you will be placed accordingly. These benefits previously listed are also available to spouses of veterans who have passed. However, there are requirements that need to be met in order to qualify for such benefits. This includes such as their income situation and their current health conditions.
Senior Care
With the large number of veterans present in the United States today, assisted living is becoming one of the more popular options veterans are taking advantage of. Senior care is available for senior veterans who have served in any branch of the military or armed forces. This veteran care service consists of 3 different levels that offer different types of benefits. The three types available include:
- Basic
- Household
- Aid and Attendance
These levels depict the amount of care that you will be receiving with your senior care, the higher the level of service the higher the amount of care you receive. For example, those that will have Basic senior care will only receive minor assistance and are typically able to perform their daily habits without trouble. That said, the assistance they would receive could be for things such as help with the correct doses of medication, nothing more than that. Household senior care would work in such a way that it’s mostly intended for those that need multiple times of assistance within a day, but nothing too drastic. Aid and Attendance is the highest level of care and this should be for those that would fit best in places such as nursing homes. They would receive the most care here and would be assisted with activities such as using a restroom or changing clothing. To apply, you must acquire a referral from a primary care provider and use the Veterans Affairs office.
Applying For CHAMPVA
CHAMPVA is also an alternative for medical coverage. CHAMPVA stands for “The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs”. This healthcare program helps to cover most of the medical costs for things like procedures, treatments, and any equipment that may be needed for your services. If you are a dependent of a veteran or spouse you may be eligible for this. One important note is that direct VA treatment is possible for someone who is not receiving care from Medicare but from CHAMPVA. Also, you must provide evidence that you are not permitted benefits from Medicare if you are 65 years of age or older.
Get A Free Case Evaluation
To learn more about VA benefits and receive a free benefit evaluation visit https://www.vetsdisabilityguide.com/increase-your-va-rating – One of our team members will reach out to assist you with your free VA Benefits evaluation.