21 Sep If My Condition Worsens, Will My SSDI Benefits Increase?
In most states, the rejection rate during the initial application process for disability benefits is over 60%. This means that if you have already been approved for benefits, statistically, you have beaten the odds.
While being approved for disability benefits is no small feat, many find themselves in a situation where their condition is worsening, and the benefits they currently receive are no longer enough. Those who find themselves in a situation like this may wonder if their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits will increase because their medical condition has become more debilitating.
Will my SSDI benefits increase if my condition worsens?
Unfortunately, the answer to that question is no, your SSDI benefits typically will not increase if your medical condition worsens. This may seem unfair to those who feel that they need more money, but the Social Security Administration (SSA) has strict guidelines that they follow to determine who is eligible for benefits.
To understand why you cannot increase your SSDI benefits if your condition worsens, you have to go back to the SSA’s requirements for disability benefits.
To Qualify For SSDI, All Claimants:
Must have worked 5 out of the last 10 years.
And, must have paid into the social security system during those 5-10 years.
Must have doctor evaluations proving medical disability.
Should expect to be out of work for at least 12 months due to disability.
Must not be earning more than $1,310 per month.
While the SSA does require a doctor’s evaluation proving medical disability, they do not base how much one receives on the severity of the disability. To calculate your SSDI benefits, the SSA looks to income history and prior work credits.
It is important to note that the purpose of the SSDI qualifications is so the SSA can determine if an individual is unable to work due to a medical condition. This means that even if you are approved for benefits and your medical condition worsens, you have already met all of the requirements for SSDI eligibility and would just continue to receive your current benefits.
In contrast- if you are receiving SSDI benefits and your conditions improve, you may no longer meet the SSA requirements for disability and could stop receiving benefits.
Ready To Start Your SSDI Claim Today?
See If You Qualify, Our Evaluation is Free and Takes Only 60 Seconds to Complete.