29 Jan Myths Vs Facts: VA Health Care Eligibility
Debunking 4 of the Biggest Myths About VA Health Care Eligibility
Myth: I can only receive health care for service connected disabilities
Fact: You can receive care from a VA hospital for any medical needs, service connected or not.
If you are enrolled in the VA healthcare system, you can receive inpatient, or outpatient, treatment from any VA hospital for any ailment. If you are getting treated for a condition that is not service connected, you may be subject to a copay depending on your rating, and a few other factors. Use the link below to familiarize yourself with the copayment rates.
See: 2024 VA Health Care Copay Rates
Exceptions: Veterans with bad conduct discharges that VA has determined were issued under conditions other than honorable, and who are not subject to certain statutory bars to benefits, can only receive care for service connected disabilities.
Myth: I wasn’t hurt during my service, so I don’t qualify for VA health care.
Fact: If you served in the military, even during peacetime, and were honorably discharged, you likely qualify for VA care.
Many Veterans believe that to receive VA health care, they must first have a disability rating. This, however, is not a requirement. Anyone who served, even if it was during peacetime, will likely qualify for VA care.
Even those who do not meet these guidelines could be eligible under certain circumstances, such as exposure to Agent Orange or household income.
The best way to determine if you can receive VA health care is to fill out an application. Use the link below for an online application, or visit a VA medical center for an in-person application.
See: How To Apply For VA Health Care Online
Myth: I can’t use VA health care if I already have private insurance.
Fact: You can have health care coverage (like a private insurance plan, Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE), and use VA health care benefits.
While the VA encourages Veterans to use the VA as their primary health care provider, it is not a requirement. Those who opt to have private health care can also receive treatment from the VA. VA doctors can work with any private medical provider to coordinate a safe and effective medical plan for their patients. Use the link below for more information about receiving dual health care coverage.
See: VA Health Care and Other Insurance
Myth: I don’t have a service connected injury, or I have private health care, by using VA health care services I may be taking a spot from a Vet who needs care more than I do.
Fact: The more Veterans who use VA health care, the more funding the program gets.
VA health care is for everyone who served. Veterans who have private health care, a low rating, or no rating at all, can (and should) take advantage of it. You will not be taking a spot from a Vet who may need more treatment than you.
By using VA health care, you are actually benefiting your fellow Vets. Increasing the amount of Veterans who receive VA health care increases the funding for the program. More funding means more services, more hospitals, more doctors, and an overall better health care experience for those who served.