03 Sep SSDI & Unemployed
When it comes to those who wonder if they are able receive Social Security Disability payments while also receiving unemployment benefits at the same time, the simple answer would be no you basically can not, we’ll explain this more. It may seem confusing but it is actually very easy to understand and makes sense when you break the two programs down.
For one to file for unemployment, they need to be within the physical and mental working condition that would allow them to do so. If a person is collecting SSDI because of their disability, this means they’re already not able to work, therefore filing for unemployment is not even possible since their chance to be working is not present.
With all this in mind, there are some out there who may seem desperate for more benefits and are truly struggling. The main question we receive from clients who talk to us about this topic is “What do I even do then?”. Well, there is some strategy you can incorporate into your benefits planning that can help you in the long run. Some people like to time out their unemployment benefits first while applying for SSDI and have the two support themselves one after another. SSDI benefits depending on your scenario and case can become a lengthy process, so using unemployment first may be the better option for some people out there.
For those who do not fully understand, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is designed to provide an income for people who are unable to work due to illnesses, injuries, or other medical conditions. The degree of disability or type of disability may vary from one recipient to another. However, simply receiving disability benefits doesn’t mean you can’t work. It depends upon the source of income and the amount.
According to the Social Security Administration’s rules, a person could be eligible for disability benefits if they aren’t able to engage in “substantial gainful activity” or SGA. A number of factors will affect this determination. The work is considered to be “substantial” if it requires substantial physical or mental activity. It’s determined to be “gainful” if it’s performed for profit.
That all said, there is the smallest chance of every being able to receive both. This would happen if a person was to be laid off from work, not from their own doing and would also become disabled or ill after their layoff. With clear evidence and this pattern of events, this is the only possible way.