24 Nov The PA L&I Announces $800,000 to Help Veterans With Getting Jobs
Veterans deserve our support, especially after their service. Often, when veterans are transitioning back to civilian life, they struggle with employment and finding job opportunities. Pennsylvania’s Labor and Industry (L&I) department has decided to create a program to assist veterans with their job search.
The Veterans Employment Program (VEP) has been established by the Pennsylvania L&I to help veterans with employment after their service. Workforce entities across PA that are eligible for the program are encouraged to apply for funding from the program.
Jennifier Berrier, the PA L&I Secretary, stated, “The Veterans Employment Program will provide employment opportunities for our most honorable citizens and offer more comprehensive services to address barriers to employment and improve their employment outcomes.”
The L&I has announced the availability of $800,000 in grant funding for the VEP. This money will be used to connect veterans with job opportunities.
The $800,000 in funding has been provided by PA Industry Partnership (IP) Heroes Path and reemployment funds. With the funding, the L&I will be able to support four workforce development projects. These projects will connect veterans with job opportunities and employment support, solving the issues that many veterans face when seeking jobs.
The deadline to apply for the VEP is Dec. 30, 2021. Eligible applicants for the program include non-profit and non-governmental entities, community based organizations, local workforce development boards, labor organizations, business associations, and more.
The program plans to operate from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. For more information, visit PA’s Labor and Industry website.