18 Dec What happens after a SSDI or SSI claim has been taken and is pending?
This is a common occurence to ask this as it can be confusing as to what is next. That said, once someone such as a disability examiner has been assigned your case, there is a chance that you possibly may be requested to provide more information or even attend an examination.
The examinations are given by physicians or psychologist and the purpose is to provide the SSA medical records or evidence for disability claims you have made that the physicians/psychologists can determine are true. Something to keep in mind is to not miss your consultative exam. Doing this can result in a rescheduling of the appointment which can add months to your case or even having your case completely dropped if you choose to avoid the rescheduled exam and refuse to cooperate with the SSA.
How much can SSDI Attorneys charge me?
With disability representation, attorneys will only be paid if you are approved by social security for disability benefits and if you are entitled to a back payment of benefits. The amount they are paid is up to 25% of the back pay or up to a maximum of $6,000. If you are to hire an attorney to represent you, there will be a fee agreement signing that will inform you on everything to do with attorney payment. That said, attorneys can request payment of expenses whether you win or lose, so make sure to read everything within your fee agreement and understand what you are agreeing on!